
sunday at missionaries of charity :)

Monday, April 04, 2011 § 0

For most of the day, me and my good friend, Twain, were visiting nurses @ the Missionaries of Charity Home of Peace. I had my on the job training there, about fifteen months ago, when I was still a nursing student. Its, like, a nursing home. There was a pediatrics ward and an adult ward.

Some of the patients were ill-- polio-stricken limbs, hydrocephalus, autism, ADHD, cleft lip/palate, oh i can't mention everything here. Some weren't sick at all, just abandoned by their families. Sad.. ):

All day, me and Twain cared for these patients, dressed them, fed them, had them take their meds, checked their IV solutions, wiped their faces of dirt, muck, or saliva. The physical part, its not that hard to accomplish.. But the emotional part, well.. it was tough to display a strong and cheerful facade when you can feel the air drained out of hope, happiness and contentment. The abandoned mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings, the only gift they want is to see their loved-ones again, hug them for real, kiss them for real.:)

I'm not a trying to be a saint or something, I just think, its a good idea to past your time caring for the sick, the abandoned, rather than passing your time at home, idly. I really had a nice time chatting with them, hugging them, just make them feel they're cared for and loved.

Picture taking is not allowed thats why I can't post the pics here with the patients but me and Twain did take pictures of us while inside the home. I will post the photos here soon, not now, the photos are at Twain's cam.:)

And then I did a little research on the web and stumbling upon Caaro's site, I found these: 

Wheelchairs donated by Caaro
Her name is Jona, 9 y/o, she had polio-stricken limbs..
Little Marvin (because there was a big Marvin..) who had a cleft palate repair..

What's this?

You are currently reading sunday at missionaries of charity :) at solipsistic drivelings..
